Saturday, April 13, 2013

Food = Fuel

Tonight my wife Nicole and I watched the documentary "Hungry for Change" (thanks for the heads up

The basic message of the program is that the foods that we, in America, commonly eat are loaded with chemicals that are addictive and destructive to our health and well-being.

The point of this post is to build a layer of accountability for myself and my wife - we've decided to 'detox' as the program suggested - consumption of items like parsley, cilantro, flax seed, and a few others.  Following that, we are planning to revamp our nutritional choices to feature natural foods - fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, etc.

I'd consider myself to be fairly healthy and if anything, a bit underweight.  I exercise sporadically - which likely negates any benefit that should be derived from the time investment.  The primary result I hope to achieve from this lifestyle change is to have more energy (to keep up with my daughter) and just a better feeling throughout each day.

We've went ahead and purchased a juicer, and a juicing recipe book to help us along in this quest.

Nicole admits - her biggest hurdle is a psychological one.  Changing her perception of food as a source of pleasure to viewing food as fuel for her body.

We will be sharing details of this journey as we go along.

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. I made a smoothie last night for dinner that was delicious. Kale, carrots,plain kefir, half the sugar OJ, blackberries, bananas, unsweetened unbleached coconut, and ground flax seed. Read up on Kale- it is one of the superfoods. Kale chips are good too (baked with olive oil and sea salt) for when you crave a crunch. Good luck!! Don't forget to price match or check the ads for produce sale since juicing can get expensive :-)
